Say It With Flowers
Flowers nourish my spirit.
As my daughter Terry expressed it, “Flowers are essential to Mother’s sense of Joy.”
On the arid eastern Colorado prairie where I grew up, there were only two kinds of flowers: the blooms on prickly cacti and, along the country roads, wild sunflowers.
Who determines what’s a weed or a flower? In my mind if it has colorful blooms, it’s a flower. Why are dandelions, resplendent in the lawn, considered weeds?
When I had a yard, I started checking my flowerbed in February for early snowdrops, followed as the days passed, with crocuses, jonquils, tulips.
My three peony bushes produced huge red blooms. I loved arranging a large vase of them to greet sister Eileen when she arrived for a visit in early June.
My roses were a favorite and were usually blooming by mid-June, and after deadheading, many would bloom again. My heart ached when the first freeze killed them in October. But what Joy to know they would greet me again next June!
Wilma Gundy
Photos: Lloyd Gundy

Hey Mom,
A Google search for "National Flower Day":
National Flower Day is celebrated annually on March 21 to mark the beginning of spring and the vernal equinox. The day is a celebration of the beauty of flowers, their cultural significance, and the joy they bring to people's lives. It's also a way to recognize nature's artistry and the unique stories and values of different national flowers.