Symbol of Communion
In the French countryside
We visit a 15th century church
The church is locked, but on one side
We notice a small room
The entrance to a cellar
Beneath the church
The room furnished with a
Battered table and chair
Is unexceptionable
Except for the brilliant hues
Of stained glass in one wall
Depicting a chalice
The universal symbol of communion
The chalice holds bearded grains of wheat
Harbinger of abundant harvest
Plump purple grapes
Awaiting pluck of hand
Touching the cup
My spirit sips wine
Communes with those believers
All those centuries ago
The eternal lbonding of Christian fellowship.
Wilma Gundy
Photo:Lloyd Gundy

Thinking of you tonight and wondering how you celebrated your birthday. I’m too tired to call you now, and it’s late . . . so tomorrow. And so I read your poem instead, and it was just like you were here beside me, reading it, and sharing how this beautiful glasswork image, combined with your faith, allowed this forceful time travel experience.