This blog is a wonderful gift from my son, Lew, to celebrate my 95th birthday. It’s more than just a birthday present, it’s a platform to interact with you.
Together we can appreciate the wonders of Nature, the beauty of literature-poetry as well as books, and celebrate Life’s memorable moments, both past and present.
My passion for reading and writing influenced my choice of a career. Choosing to be a teacher, I taught English in elementary, middle and high school for 25 years. During this time, I studied for my master’s degree in English.
My concern for my student’s’ emotional health led me to get another master’s degree, this time in counseling. I spent 10 years counseling at Lakewood High School.
Another interest has been sports. In high school I played softball, basketball, and competed in tennis. In retirement, I enjoy watching sports, especially the Nuggets, Rockies, and tennis.
In retirement, I have enjoyed reading books for our book club as well as many additional ones. Also, I have realized my desire to write. I have published two books, several essays, and a few poems.
In summary, my life has been blessed with a loving family, a satisfying career in teaching/counseling, and many, many devoted friends. It is a life of Joy. m
Posts (76)